The “local flavor” add-ons

Following its “batteries included” philosophy, Django comes with assorted pieces of code that are useful for particular countries or cultures. These are called the “local flavor” add-ons and live in the django.contrib.localflavor package.

Inside that package, country- or culture-specific code is organized into subpackages, named using ISO 3166 country codes.

Most of the localflavor add-ons are localized form components deriving from the forms framework – for example, a USStateField that knows how to validate U.S. state abbreviations, and a FISocialSecurityNumber that knows how to validate Finnish social security numbers.

To use one of these localized components, just import the relevant subpackage. For example, here’s how you can create a form with a field representing a French telephone number:

from django import forms
from import FRPhoneNumberField

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    my_french_phone_no = FRPhoneNumberField()

Supported countries

Countries currently supported by localflavor are:

The django.contrib.localflavor package also includes a generic subpackage, containing useful code that is not specific to one particular country or culture. Currently, it defines date, datetime and split datetime input fields based on those from forms, but with non-US default formats. Here’s an example of how to use them:

from django import forms
from django.contrib.localflavor import generic

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    my_date_field = generic.forms.DateField()

Internationalization of localflavor

Localflavor has its own catalog of translations, in the directory django/contrib/localflavor/locale, and it’s not loaded automatically like Django’s general catalog in django/conf/locale. If you want localflavor’s texts to be translated, like form fields error messages, you must include django.contrib.localflavor in the INSTALLED_APPS setting, so the internationalization system can find the catalog, as explained in How Django discovers translations.

Adding flavors

We’d love to add more of these to Django, so please create a ticket with any code you’d like to contribute. One thing we ask is that you please use Unicode objects (u'mystring') for strings, rather than setting the encoding in the file. See any of the existing flavors for examples.

Localflavor and backwards compatibility

As documented in our API stability policy, Django will always attempt to make django.contrib.localflavor reflect the officially gazetted policies of the appropriate local government authority. For example, if a government body makes a change to add, alter, or remove a province (or state, or county), that change will be reflected in Django’s localflavor in the next stable Django release.

When a backwards-incompatible change is made (for example, the removal or renaming of a province) the localflavor in question will raise a warning when that localflavor is imported. This provides a runtime indication that something may require attention.

However, once you have addressed the backwards compatibility (for example, auditing your code to see if any data migration is required), the warning serves no purpose. The warning can then be supressed. For example, to suppress the warnings raised by the Indonesian localflavor you would use the following code:

import warnings
from import forms as id_forms

Argentina (ar)

class ar.forms.ARPostalCodeField

A form field that validates input as either a classic four-digit Argentinian postal code or a CPA.

class ar.forms.ARDNIField

A form field that validates input as a Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) number.

class ar.forms.ARCUITField

A form field that validates input as a Codigo Unico de Identificacion Tributaria (CUIT) number.

class ar.forms.ARProvinceSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Argentina’s provinces and autonomous cities as its choices.

Australia (au)

class au.forms.AUPostCodeField

A form field that validates input as an Australian postcode.

class au.forms.AUPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as an Australian phone number. Valid numbers have ten digits.

class au.forms.AUStateSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Australian states/territories as its choices.

class au.models.AUPhoneNumberField

A model field that checks that the value is a valid Australian phone number (ten digits).

class au.models.AUStateField

A model field that forms represent as a forms.AUStateField field and stores the three-letter Australian state abbreviation in the database.

class au.models.AUPostCodeField

A model field that forms represent as a forms.AUPostCodeField field and stores the four-digit Australian postcode in the database.

Austria (at)

class at.forms.ATZipCodeField

A form field that validates its input as an Austrian zip code, with the format XXXX (first digit must be greater than 0).

class at.forms.ATStateSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Austrian states as its choices.

class at.forms.ATSocialSecurityNumberField

A form field that validates its input as an Austrian social security number.

Belgium (be)

class be.forms.BEPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Belgium phone number, with one of the formats 0x xxx xx xx, 0xx xx xx xx, 04xx xx xx xx, 0x/xxx.xx.xx, 0xx/xx.xx.xx, 04xx/xx.xx.xx,, 0xx.xx.xx.xx, 04xx.xx.xx.xx, 0xxxxxxxx or 04xxxxxxxx.

class be.forms.BEPostalCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Belgium postal code, in the range and format 1XXX-9XXX.

class be.forms.BEProvinceSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Belgium provinces as its choices.

class be.forms.BERegionSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Belgium regions as its choices.

Brazil (br)

class br.forms.BRPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Brazilian phone number, with the format XX-XXXX-XXXX.

class br.forms.BRZipCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Brazilian zip code, with the format XXXXX-XXX.

class br.forms.BRStateSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Brazilian states/territories as its choices.

class br.forms.BRCPFField

A form field that validates input as Brazilian CPF.

Input can either be of the format XXX.XXX.XXX-VD or be a group of 11 digits.

class br.forms.BRCNPJField

A form field that validates input as Brazilian CNPJ.

Input can either be of the format XX.XXX.XXX/XXXX-XX or be a group of 14 digits.

Canada (ca)

class ca.forms.CAPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Canadian phone number, with the format XXX-XXX-XXXX.

class ca.forms.CAPostalCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Canadian postal code, with the format XXX XXX.

class ca.forms.CAProvinceField

A form field that validates input as a Canadian province name or abbreviation.

class ca.forms.CASocialInsuranceNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN). A valid number must have the format XXX-XXX-XXX and pass a Luhn mod-10 checksum.

class ca.forms.CAProvinceSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Canadian provinces and territories as its choices.

Chile (cl)

class cl.forms.CLRutField

A form field that validates input as a Chilean national identification number (‘Rol Unico Tributario’ or RUT). The valid format is XX.XXX.XXX-X.

class cl.forms.CLRegionSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Chilean regions (Regiones) as its choices.

China (cn)

class cn.forms.CNProvinceSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Chinese regions as its choices.

class cn.forms.CNPostCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Chinese post code. Valid formats are XXXXXX where X is digit.

class cn.forms.CNIDCardField

A form field that validates input as a Chinese Identification Card Number. Both 1st and 2nd generation ID Card Number are validated.

class cn.forms.CNPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Chinese phone number. Valid formats are 0XX-XXXXXXXX, composed of 3 or 4 digits of region code and 7 or 8 digits of phone number.

class cn.forms.CNCellNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Chinese mobile phone number. Valid formats are like 1XXXXXXXXXX, where X is digit. The second digit could only be 3, 5 and 8.

Colombia (co)

class co.forms.CoDepartmentSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Colombian departments as its choices.

Croatia (hr)

class hr.forms.HRCountySelect

A Select widget that uses a list of counties of Croatia as its choices.

class hr.forms.HRPhoneNumberPrefixSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of phone number prefixes of Croatia as its choices.

class hr.forms.HRLicensePlatePrefixSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of vehicle license plate prefixes of Croatia as its choices.

class hr.forms.HRPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as a phone number of Croatia. A valid format is a country code or a leading zero, area code prefix, 6 or 7 digit number; e.g. +385XXXXXXXX or 0XXXXXXXX Validates fixed, mobile and FGSM numbers. Normalizes to a full number with country code (+385 prefix).

class hr.forms.HRLicensePlateField

A form field that validates input as a vehicle license plate of Croatia. Normalizes to the specific format XX YYYY-XX where X is a letter and Y a digit. There can be three or four digits. Suffix is constructed from the shared letters of the Croatian and English alphabets. It is used for standardized license plates only. Special cases like license plates for oldtimers, temporary license plates, government institution license plates and customized license plates are not covered by this field.

class hr.forms.HRPostalCodeField

A form field that validates input as a postal code of Croatia. It consists of exactly five digits ranging from 10000 to 59999 inclusive.

class hr.forms.HROIBField

A form field that validates input as a Personal Identification Number (OIB) of Croatia. It consists of exactly eleven digits.

class hr.forms.HRJMBGField

A form field that validates input as a Unique Master Citizen Number (JMBG). The number is still in use in Croatia, but it is being replaced by OIB. This field works for other ex-Yugoslavia countries as well where the JMBG is still in use. The area segment of the JMBG is not validated because the citizens might have emigrated to another ex-Yugoslavia country. The number consists of exactly thirteen digits.

class hr.forms.HRJMBAGField

A form field that validates input as a Unique Master Academic Citizen Number (JMBAG) of Croatia. This number is used by college students and professors in Croatia. The number consists of exactly nineteen digits.

Czech (cz)

class cz.forms.CZPostalCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Czech postal code. Valid formats are XXXXX or XXX XX, where X is a digit.

class cz.forms.CZBirthNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Czech Birth Number. A valid number must be in format XXXXXX/XXXX (slash is optional).

class cz.forms.CZICNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Czech IC number field.

class cz.forms.CZRegionSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Czech regions as its choices.

Ecuador (ec)

class ec.forms.EcProvinceSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Ecuatorian provinces as its choices.

Finland (fi)

class fi.forms.FISocialSecurityNumber

A form field that validates input as a Finnish social security number.

class fi.forms.FIZipCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Finnish zip code. Valid codes consist of five digits.

class fi.forms.FIMunicipalitySelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Finnish municipalities as its choices.

France (fr)

class fr.forms.FRPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as a French local phone number. The correct format is 0X XX XX XX XX. 0X.XX.XX.XX.XX and 0XXXXXXXXX validate but are corrected to 0X XX XX XX XX.

class fr.forms.FRZipCodeField

A form field that validates input as a French zip code. Valid codes consist of five digits.

class fr.forms.FRDepartmentSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of French departments as its choices.

Germany (de)

class de.forms.DEIdentityCardNumberField

A form field that validates input as a German identity card number (Personalausweis). Valid numbers have the format XXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-X, with no group consisting entirely of zeroes.

class de.forms.DEZipCodeField

A form field that validates input as a German zip code. Valid codes consist of five digits.

class de.forms.DEStateSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of German states as its choices.

The Netherlands (nl)

class nl.forms.NLPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Dutch telephone number.

class nl.forms.NLSofiNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Dutch social security number (SoFI/BSN).

class nl.forms.NLZipCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Dutch zip code.

class nl.forms.NLProvinceSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Dutch provinces as its list of choices.

Iceland (is_)

class is_.forms.ISIdNumberField

A form field that validates input as an Icelandic identification number (kennitala). The format is XXXXXX-XXXX.

class is_.forms.ISPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as an Icelandtic phone number (seven digits with an optional hyphen or space after the first three digits).

class is_.forms.ISPostalCodeSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Icelandic postal codes as its choices.

India (in_)

class in_.forms.INStateField

A form field that validates input as an Indian state/territory name or abbreviation. Input is normalized to the standard two-letter vehicle registration abbreviation for the given state or territory.

class in_.forms.INZipCodeField

A form field that validates input as an Indian zip code, with the format XXXXXXX.

class in_.forms.INStateSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Indian states/territories as its choices.

class in_.forms.INPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates that the data is a valid Indian phone number, including the STD code. It’s normalised to 0XXX-XXXXXXX or 0XXX XXXXXXX format. The first string is the STD code which is a ‘0’ followed by 2-4 digits. The second string is 8 digits if the STD code is 3 digits, 7 digits if the STD code is 4 digits and 6 digits if the STD code is 5 digits. The second string will start with numbers between 1 and 6. The separator is either a space or a hyphen.

Ireland (ie)

class ie.forms.IECountySelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Irish Counties as its choices.

Indonesia (id)

class id.forms.IDPostCodeField

A form field that validates input as an Indonesian post code field.

class id.forms.IDProvinceSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Indonesian provinces as its choices.

Изменено в Django 1.3: The province “Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD)” has been removed from the province list in favor of the new official designation “Aceh (ACE)”.
class id.forms.IDPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as an Indonesian telephone number.

class id.forms.IDLicensePlatePrefixSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Indonesian license plate prefix code as its choices.

class id.forms.IDLicensePlateField

A form field that validates input as an Indonesian vehicle license plate.

class id.forms.IDNationalIdentityNumberField

A form field that validates input as an Indonesian national identity number (NIK/KTP). The output will be in the format of ‘XX.XXXX.DDMMYY.XXXX’. Dots or spaces can be used in the input to break down the numbers.

Israel (il)

class il.forms.ILPostalCodeField

A form field that validates its input as an Israeli five-digit postal code.

class il.forms.ILIDNumberField

A form field that validates its input as an Israeli identification number. The output will be in the format of a 2-9 digit number, consisting of a 1-8 digit ID number followed by a single checksum digit, calculated using the Luhn algorithm.

Input may contain an optional hyphen separating the ID number from the checksum digit.

Italy (it)

class it.forms.ITSocialSecurityNumberField

A form field that validates input as an Italian social security number (codice fiscale).

class it.forms.ITVatNumberField

A form field that validates Italian VAT numbers (partita IVA).

class it.forms.ITZipCodeField

A form field that validates input as an Italian zip code. Valid codes must have five digits.

class it.forms.ITProvinceSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Italian provinces as its choices.

class it.forms.ITRegionSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Italian regions as its choices.

Japan (jp)

class jp.forms.JPPostalCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Japanese postcode. It accepts seven digits, with or without a hyphen.

class jp.forms.JPPrefectureSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Japanese prefectures as its choices.

Kuwait (kw)

class kw.forms.KWCivilIDNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Kuwaiti Civil ID number. A valid Civil ID number must obey the following rules:

  • The number consist of 12 digits.
  • The birthdate of the person is a valid date.
  • The calculated checksum equals to the last digit of the Civil ID.

Macedonia (mk)

class mk.forms.MKIdentityCardNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Macedonian identity card number. Both old and new identity card numbers are supported.

class mk.forms.MKMunicipalitySelect

A form Select widget that uses a list of Macedonian municipalities as choices.

class mk.forms.UMCNField

A form field that validates input as a unique master citizen number.

The format of the unique master citizen number is not unique to Macedonia. For more information see:

A value will pass validation if it complies to the following rules:

  • Consists of exactly 13 digits
  • The first 7 digits represent a valid past date in the format DDMMYYY
  • The last digit of the UMCN passes a checksum test
class mk.models.MKIdentityCardNumberField

A model field that forms represent as a forms.MKIdentityCardNumberField field.

class mk.models.MKMunicipalityField

A model field that forms represent as a forms.MKMunicipalitySelect and stores the 2 character code of the municipality in the database.

class mk.models.UMCNField

A model field that forms represent as a forms.UMCNField field.

Mexico (mx)

class mx.forms.MXZipCodeField

A form field that accepts a Mexican Zip Code.

More info about this: List of postal codes in Mexico (zipcodes)

class mx.forms.MXRFCField

A form field that validates a Mexican Registro Federal de Contribuyentes for either Persona física or Persona moral. This field accepts RFC strings whether or not it contains a homoclave.

More info about this: Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (rfc)

class mx.forms.MXCURPField

A field that validates a Mexican Clave Única de Registro de Población.

More info about this: Clave Unica de Registro de Poblacion (curp)

class mx.forms.MXStateSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Mexican states as its choices.

class mx.models.MXStateField

A model field that stores the three-letter Mexican state abbreviation in the database.

class mx.models.MXZipCodeField

A model field that forms represent as a forms.MXZipCodeField field and stores the five-digit Mexican zip code.

class mx.models.MXRFCField

A model field that forms represent as a forms.MXRFCField field and stores the value of a valid Mexican RFC.

class mx.models.MXCURPField

A model field that forms represent as a forms.MXCURPField field and stores the value of a valid Mexican CURP.

Additionally, a choice tuple is provided in, allowing customized model and form fields, and form presentations, for subsets of Mexican states abbreviations:


A tuple of choices of the states abbreviations for all 31 Mexican states, plus the Distrito Federal.

Norway (no)

class no.forms.NOSocialSecurityNumber

A form field that validates input as a Norwegian social security number (personnummer).

class no.forms.NOZipCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Norwegian zip code. Valid codes have four digits.

class no.forms.NOMunicipalitySelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Norwegian municipalities (fylker) as its choices.

Paraguay (py)

class py.forms.PyDepartmentSelect

A Select widget with a list of Paraguayan departments as choices.

class py.forms.PyNumberedDepartmentSelect

A Select widget with a roman numbered list of Paraguayan departments as choices.

Peru (pe)

class pe.forms.PEDNIField

A form field that validates input as a DNI (Peruvian national identity) number.

class pe.forms.PERUCField

A form field that validates input as an RUC (Registro Unico de Contribuyentes) number. Valid RUC numbers have 11 digits.

class pe.forms.PEDepartmentSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Peruvian Departments as its choices.

Poland (pl)

class pl.forms.PLPESELField

A form field that validates input as a Polish national identification number (PESEL).

class pl.forms.PLNationalIDCardNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Polish National ID Card number. The valid format is AAAXXXXXX, where A is letter (A-Z), X is digit and left-most digit is checksum digit. More information about checksum calculation algorithm see Polish identity card.

class pl.forms.PLREGONField

A form field that validates input as a Polish National Official Business Register Number (REGON), having either seven or nine digits. The checksum algorithm used for REGONs is documented at

class pl.forms.PLPostalCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Polish postal code. The valid format is XX-XXX, where X is a digit.

class pl.forms.PLNIPField

A form field that validates input as a Polish Tax Number (NIP). Valid formats are XXX-XXX-XX-XX, XXX-XX-XX-XXX or XXXXXXXXXX. The checksum algorithm used for NIPs is documented at

class pl.forms.PLCountySelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Polish administrative units as its choices.

class pl.forms.PLProvinceSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Polish voivodeships (administrative provinces) as its choices.

Portugal (pt)

class pt.forms.PTZipCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Portuguese zip code.

class pt.forms.PTPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Portuguese phone number. Valid numbers have 9 digits (may include spaces) or start by 00 or + (international).

Romania (ro)

class ro.forms.ROCIFField

A form field that validates Romanian fiscal identification codes (CIF). The return value strips the leading RO, if given.

class ro.forms.ROCNPField

A form field that validates Romanian personal numeric codes (CNP).

class ro.forms.ROCountyField

A form field that validates its input as a Romanian county (judet) name or abbreviation. It normalizes the input to the standard vehicle registration abbreviation for the given county. This field will only accept names written with diacritics; consider using ROCountySelect as an alternative.

class ro.forms.ROCountySelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Romanian counties (judete) as its choices.

class ro.forms.ROIBANField

A form field that validates its input as a Romanian International Bank Account Number (IBAN). The valid format is ROXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX, with or without hyphens.

class ro.forms.ROPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates Romanian phone numbers, short special numbers excluded.

class ro.forms.ROPostalCodeField

A form field that validates Romanian postal codes.

Russia (ru)

class ru.forms.RUPostalCodeField

Russian Postal code field. The valid format is XXXXXX, where X is any digit and the first digit is not zero.

class ru.forms.RUCountySelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Russian Counties as its choices.

class ru.forms.RURegionSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Russian Regions as its choices.

class ru.forms.RUPassportNumberField

Russian internal passport number. The valid format is XXXX XXXXXX, where X is any digit.

class ru.forms.RUAlienPassportNumberField

Russian alien’s passport number. The valid format is XX XXXXXXX, where X is any digit.

Slovakia (sk)

class sk.forms.SKPostalCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Slovak postal code. Valid formats are XXXXX or XXX XX, where X is a digit.

class sk.forms.SKDistrictSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Slovak districts as its choices.

class sk.forms.SKRegionSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Slovak regions as its choices.

Slovenia (si)

class si.forms.SIEMSOField

A form field that validates input as Slovenian personal identification number and stores gender and birthday to dictionary.

class si.forms.SITaxNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Slovenian tax number. Valid input is SIXXXXXXXX or XXXXXXXX.

class si.forms.SIPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Slovenian phone number. Phone number must contain at least local area code with optional country code.

class si.forms.SIPostalCodeField

A form field that provides a choice field of major Slovenian postal codes.

class si.forms.SIPostalCodeSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of major Slovenian postal codes as its choices.

South Africa (za)

class za.forms.ZAIDField

A form field that validates input as a South African ID number. Validation uses the Luhn checksum and a simplistic (i.e., not entirely accurate) check for birth date.

class za.forms.ZAPostCodeField

A form field that validates input as a South African postcode. Valid postcodes must have four digits.

Spain (es)

class es.forms.ESIdentityCardNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Spanish NIF/NIE/CIF (Fiscal Identification Number) code.

class es.forms.ESCCCField

A form field that validates input as a Spanish bank account number (Codigo Cuenta Cliente or CCC). A valid CCC number has the format EEEE-OOOO-CC-AAAAAAAAAA, where the E, O, C and A digits denote the entity, office, checksum and account, respectively. The first checksum digit validates the entity and office. The second checksum digit validates the account. It is also valid to use a space as a delimiter, or to use no delimiter.

class es.forms.ESPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Spanish phone number. Valid numbers have nine digits, the first of which is 6, 8 or 9.

class es.forms.ESPostalCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Spanish postal code. Valid codes have five digits, the first two being in the range 01 to 52, representing the province.

class es.forms.ESProvinceSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Spanish provinces as its choices.

class es.forms.ESRegionSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Spanish regions as its choices.

Sweden (se)

class se.forms.SECountySelect

A Select form widget that uses a list of the Swedish counties (län) as its choices.

The cleaned value is the official county code – see for a list.

class se.forms.SEOrganisationNumber

A form field that validates input as a Swedish organisation number (organisationsnummer).

It accepts the same input as SEPersonalIdentityField (for sole proprietorships (enskild firma). However, co-ordination numbers are not accepted.

It also accepts ordinary Swedish organisation numbers with the format NNNNNNNNNN.

The return value will be YYYYMMDDXXXX for sole proprietors, and NNNNNNNNNN for other organisations.

class se.forms.SEPersonalIdentityNumber

A form field that validates input as a Swedish personal identity number (personnummer).


A + indicates that the person is older than 100 years, which will be taken into consideration when the date is validated.

The checksum will be calculated and checked. The birth date is checked to be a valid date.

By default, co-ordination numbers (samordningsnummer) will be accepted. To only allow real personal identity numbers, pass the keyword argument coordination_number=False to the constructor.

The cleaned value will always have the format YYYYMMDDXXXX.

class se.forms.SEPostalCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Swedish postal code (postnummer). Valid codes consist of five digits (XXXXX). The number can optionally be formatted with a space after the third digit (XXX XX).

The cleaned value will never contain the space.

Switzerland (ch)

class ch.forms.CHIdentityCardNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Swiss identity card number. A valid number must confirm to the X1234567<0 or 1234567890 format and have the correct checksums.

class ch.forms.CHPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Swiss phone number. The correct format is 0XX XXX XX XX. 0XX.XXX.XX.XX and 0XXXXXXXXX validate but are corrected to 0XX XXX XX XX.

class ch.forms.CHZipCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Swiss zip code. Valid codes consist of four digits.

class ch.forms.CHStateSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Swiss states as its choices.

Turkey (tr)

class tr.forms.TRZipCodeField

A form field that validates input as a Turkish zip code. Valid codes consist of five digits.

class tr.forms.TRPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as a Turkish phone number. The correct format is 0xxx xxx xxxx. +90xxx xxx xxxx and inputs without spaces also validates. The result is normalized to xxx xxx xxxx format.

class tr.forms.TRIdentificationNumberField

A form field that validates input as a TR identification number. A valid number must satisfy the following:

  • The number consist of 11 digits.
  • The first digit cannot be 0.
  • (sum(1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th)*7 - sum(2nd,4th,6th,8th)) % 10) must be equal to the 10th digit.
  • (sum(1st to 10th) % 10) must be equal to the 11th digit.
class tr.forms.TRProvinceSelect

A select widget that uses a list of Turkish provinces as its choices.

United Kingdom (gb)

class gb.forms.GBPostcodeField

A form field that validates input as a UK postcode. The regular expression used is sourced from the schema for British Standard BS7666 address types at

class gb.forms.GBCountySelect

A Select widget that uses a list of UK counties/regions as its choices.

class gb.forms.GBNationSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of UK nations as its choices.

United States of America (us)

class us.forms.USPhoneNumberField

A form field that validates input as a U.S. phone number.

class us.forms.USSocialSecurityNumberField

A form field that validates input as a U.S. Social Security Number (SSN). A valid SSN must obey the following rules:

  • Format of XXX-XX-XXXX
  • No group of digits consisting entirely of zeroes
  • Leading group of digits cannot be 666
  • Number not in promotional block 987-65-4320 through 987-65-4329
  • Number not one known to be invalid due to widespread promotional use or distribution (e.g., the Woolworth’s number or the 1962 promotional number)
class us.forms.USStateField

A form field that validates input as a U.S. state name or abbreviation. It normalizes the input to the standard two-letter postal service abbreviation for the given state.

class us.forms.USZipCodeField

A form field that validates input as a U.S. ZIP code. Valid formats are XXXXX or XXXXX-XXXX.

class us.forms.USStateSelect

A form Select widget that uses a list of U.S. states/territories as its choices.

class us.forms.USPSSelect

A form Select widget that uses a list of U.S Postal Service state, territory and country abbreviations as its choices.

class us.models.PhoneNumberField

A CharField that checks that the value is a valid U.S.A.-style phone number (in the format XXX-XXX-XXXX).

class us.models.USStateField

A model field that forms represent as a forms.USStateField field and stores the two-letter U.S. state abbreviation in the database.

class us.models.USPostalCodeField

A model field that forms represent as a forms.USPSSelect field and stores the two-letter U.S Postal Service abbreviation in the database.

Additionally, a variety of choice tuples are provided in, allowing customized model and form fields, and form presentations, for subsets of U.S states, territories and U.S Postal Service abbreviations:


A tuple of choices of the postal abbreviations for the contiguous or “lower 48” states (i.e., all except Alaska and Hawaii), plus the District of Columbia.


A tuple of choices of the postal abbreviations for all 50 U.S. states, plus the District of Columbia.


A tuple of choices of the postal abbreviations for U.S territories: American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.


A tuple of choices of the postal abbreviations of the three U.S military postal “states”: Armed Forces Americas, Armed Forces Europe and Armed Forces Pacific.


A tuple of choices of the postal abbreviations of the three independent nations which, under the Compact of Free Association, are served by the U.S. Postal Service: the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands and Palau.


A tuple of choices of obsolete U.S Postal Service state abbreviations: the former abbreviation for the Northern Mariana Islands, plus the Panama Canal Zone, the Philippines and the former Pacific trust territories.


A tuple of choices of all postal abbreviations corresponding to U.S states or territories, and the District of Columbia..


A tuple of choices of all postal abbreviations recognized by the U.S Postal Service (including all states and territories, the District of Columbia, armed forces “states” and independent nations serviced by USPS).

Uruguay (uy)

class uy.forms.UYCIField

A field that validates Uruguayan ‘Cedula de identidad’ (CI) numbers.

class uy.forms.UYDepartamentSelect

A Select widget that uses a list of Uruguayan departments as its choices.