Class-based generic views


Prior to Django 1.3, generic views were implemented as functions. The function-based implementation has been deprecated in favor of the class-based approach described here.

For details on the previous generic views implementation, see the topic guide and detailed reference.

Writing Web applications can be monotonous, because we repeat certain patterns again and again. Django tries to take away some of that monotony at the model and template layers, but Web developers also experience this boredom at the view level.

A general introduction to class-based generic views can be found in the topic guide.

This reference contains details of Django’s built-in generic views, along with a list of the keyword arguments that each generic view expects. Remember that arguments may either come from the URL pattern or from the extra_context additional-information dictionary.

Most generic views require the queryset key, which is a QuerySet instance; see Выполнение запросов for more information about QuerySet objects.


A mixin class is a way of using the inheritance capabilities of classes to compose a class out of smaller pieces of behavior. Django’s class-based generic views are constructed by composing mixins into usable generic views.

For example, the DetailView is composed from:

  • View, which provides the basic class-based behavior
  • SingleObjectMixin, which provides the utilities for retrieving and displaying a single object
  • SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin, which provides the tools for rendering a single object into a template-based response.

When combined, these mixins provide all the pieces necessary to provide a view over a single object that renders a template to produce a response.

Django provides a range of mixins. If you want to write your own generic views, you can build classes that compose these mixins in interesting ways. Alternatively, you can just use the pre-mixed Generic views that Django provides.


When the documentation for a view gives the list of mixins, that view inherits all the properties and methods of that mixin.

Simple mixins


class TemplateResponseMixin

The path to the template to use when rendering the view.


The response class to be returned by render_to_response method. Default is TemplateResponse. The template and context of TemplateResponse instances can be altered later (e.g. in template response middleware).

If you need custom template loading or custom context object instantiation, create a TemplateResponse subclass and assign it to response_class.

render_to_response(context, **response_kwargs)

Returns a self.response_class instance.

If any keyword arguments are provided, they will be passed to the constructor of the response class.

Calls get_template_names() to obtain the list of template names that will be searched looking for an existent template.


Returns a list of template names to search for when rendering the template.

If TemplateResponseMixin.template_name is specified, the default implementation will return a list containing TemplateResponseMixin.template_name (if it is specified).

Single object mixins


class SingleObjectMixin

The model that this view will display data for. Specifying model = Foo is effectively the same as specifying queryset = Foo.objects.all().


A QuerySet that represents the objects. If provided, the value of SingleObjectMixin.queryset supersedes the value provided for SingleObjectMixin.model.


The name of the field on the model that contains the slug. By default, slug_field is 'slug'.


The name of the URLConf keyword argument that contains the slug. By default, slug_url_kwarg is 'slug'.


The name of the URLConf keyword argument that contains the primary key. By default, pk_url_kwarg is 'pk'.


Designates the name of the variable to use in the context.


Returns the single object that this view will display. If queryset is provided, that queryset will be used as the source of objects; otherwise, get_queryset() will be used. get_object() looks for a SingleObjectMixin.pk_url_kwarg argument in the arguments to the view; if this argument is found, this method performs a primary-key based lookup using that value. If this argument is not found, it looks for a SingleObjectMixin.slug_url_kwarg argument, and performs a slug lookup using the SingleObjectMixin.slug_field.


Returns the queryset that will be used to retrieve the object that this view will display. By default, get_queryset() returns the value of the queryset attribute if it is set, otherwise it constructs a QuerySet by calling the all() method on the model attribute’s default manager.


Return the context variable name that will be used to contain the data that this view is manipulating. If context_object_name is not set, the context name will be constructed from the object_name of the model that the queryset is composed from. For example, the model Article would have context object named 'article'.


Returns context data for displaying the list of objects.


  • object: The object that this view is displaying. If context_object_name is specified, that variable will also be set in the context, with the same value as object.


class SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin

A mixin class that performs template-based response rendering for views that operate upon a single object instance. Requires that the view it is mixed with provides self.object, the object instance that the view is operating on. self.object will usually be, but is not required to be, an instance of a Django model. It may be None if the view is in the process of constructing a new instance.



The field on the current object instance that can be used to determine the name of a candidate template. If either template_name_field or the value of the template_name_field on the current object instance is None, the object will not be interrogated for a candidate template name.


The suffix to append to the auto-generated candidate template name. Default suffix is _detail.


Returns a list of candidate template names. Returns the following list:

  • the value of template_name on the view (if provided)
  • the contents of the template_name_field field on the object instance that the view is operating upon (if available)
  • <app_label>/<object_name><template_name_suffix>.html

Multiple object mixins


class MultipleObjectMixin

A mixin that can be used to display a list of objects.

If paginate_by is specified, Django will paginate the results returned by this. You can specify the page number in the URL in one of two ways:

  • Use the page parameter in the URLconf. For example, this is what your URLconf might look like:

    (r'^objects/page(?P<page>[0-9]+)/$', PaginatedView.as_view())
  • Pass the page number via the page query-string parameter. For example, a URL would look like this:


These values and lists are 1-based, not 0-based, so the first page would be represented as page 1.

For more on pagination, read the pagination documentation.

As a special case, you are also permitted to use last as a value for page:


This allows you to access the final page of results without first having to determine how many pages there are.

Note that page must be either a valid page number or the value last; any other value for page will result in a 404 error.


A boolean specifying whether to display the page if no objects are available. If this is False and no objects are available, the view will raise a 404 instead of displaying an empty page. By default, this is True.


The model that this view will display data for. Specifying model = Foo is effectively the same as specifying queryset = Foo.objects.all().


A QuerySet that represents the objects. If provided, the value of MultipleObjectMixin.queryset supersedes the value provided for MultipleObjectMixin.model.


An integer specifying how many objects should be displayed per page. If this is given, the view will paginate objects with MultipleObjectMixin.paginate_by objects per page. The view will expect either a page query string parameter (via GET) or a page variable specified in the URLconf.


The paginator class to be used for pagination. By default, django.core.paginator.Paginator is used. If the custom paginator class doesn’t have the same constructor interface as django.core.paginator.Paginator, you will also need to provide an implementation for MultipleObjectMixin.get_paginator().


Designates the name of the variable to use in the context.


Returns the queryset that represents the data this view will display.

paginate_queryset(queryset, page_size)

Returns a 4-tuple containing (paginator, page, object_list, is_paginated).

Constructed by paginating queryset into pages of size page_size. If the request contains a page argument, either as a captured URL argument or as a GET argument, object_list will correspond to the objects from that page.


Returns the number of items to paginate by, or None for no pagination. By default this simply returns the value of MultipleObjectMixin.paginate_by.

get_paginator(queryset, per_page, orphans=0, allow_empty_first_page=True)

Returns an instance of the paginator to use for this view. By default, instantiates an instance of paginator_class.


Return a boolean specifying whether to display the page if no objects are available. If this method returns False and no objects are available, the view will raise a 404 instead of displaying an empty page. By default, this is True.


Return the context variable name that will be used to contain the list of data that this view is manipulating. If object_list is a queryset of Django objects and context_object_name is not set, the context name will be the object_name of the model that the queryset is composed from, with postfix '_list' appended. For example, the model Article would have a context object named article_list.


Returns context data for displaying the list of objects.


  • object_list: The list of objects that this view is displaying. If context_object_name is specified, that variable will also be set in the context, with the same value as object_list.
  • is_paginated: A boolean representing whether the results are paginated. Specifically, this is set to False if no page size has been specified, or if the available objects do not span multiple pages.
  • paginator: An instance of django.core.paginator.Paginator. If the page is not paginated, this context variable will be None.
  • page_obj: An instance of django.core.paginator.Page. If the page is not paginated, this context variable will be None.


class MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin

A mixin class that performs template-based response rendering for views that operate upon a list of object instances. Requires that the view it is mixed with provides self.object_list, the list of object instances that the view is operating on. self.object_list may be, but is not required to be, a QuerySet.



The suffix to append to the auto-generated candidate template name. Default suffix is _list.


Returns a list of candidate template names. Returns the following list:

  • the value of template_name on the view (if provided)
  • <app_label>/<object_name><template_name_suffix>.html

Editing mixins


class FormMixin

A mixin class that provides facilities for creating and displaying forms.


A dictionary containing initial data for the form.


The form class to instantiate.


The URL to redirect to when the form is successfully processed.


Retrieve initial data for the form. By default, returns a copy of initial.

Changed in 1.4

In Django 1.3, this method was returning the initial class variable itself.


Retrieve the form class to instantiate. By default form_class.


Instantiate an instance of form_class using get_form_kwargs().


Build the keyword arguments required to instantiate the form.

The initial argument is set to get_initial(). If the request is a POST or PUT, the request data (request.POST and request.FILES) will also be provided.


Determine the URL to redirect to when the form is successfully validated. Returns success_url by default.


Redirects to get_success_url().


Renders a response, providing the invalid form as context.


Populates a context containing the contents of kwargs.


  • form: The form instance that was generated for the view.


Views mixing FormMixin must provide an implementation of form_valid() and form_invalid().


class ModelFormMixin

A form mixin that works on ModelForms, rather than a standalone form.

Since this is a subclass of SingleObjectMixin, instances of this mixin have access to the model and queryset attributes, describing the type of object that the ModelForm is manipulating. The view also provides self.object, the instance being manipulated. If the instance is being created, self.object will be None.



The URL to redirect to when the form is successfully processed.

success_url may contain dictionary string formatting, which will be interpolated against the object’s field attributes. For example, you could use success_url="/polls/%(slug)s/" to redirect to a URL composed out of the slug field on a model.


Retrieve the form class to instantiate. If FormMixin.form_class is provided, that class will be used. Otherwise, a ModelForm will be instantiated using the model associated with the queryset, or with the model, depending on which attribute is provided.


Add the current instance (self.object) to the standard FormMixin.get_form_kwargs().


Determine the URL to redirect to when the form is successfully validated. Returns FormMixin.success_url if it is provided; otherwise, attempts to use the get_absolute_url() of the object.


Saves the form instance, sets the current object for the view, and redirects to get_success_url().


Renders a response, providing the invalid form as context.


class ProcessFormView

A mixin that provides basic HTTP GET and POST workflow.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)

Constructs a form, then renders a response using a context that contains that form.

post(request, *args, **kwargs)

Constructs a form, checks the form for validity, and handles it accordingly.

The PUT action is also handled, as an analog of POST.


class DeletionMixin

Enables handling of the DELETE http action.


The url to redirect to when the nominated object has been successfully deleted.


Returns the url to redirect to when the nominated object has been successfully deleted. Returns success_url by default.

Date-based mixins


class YearMixin

A mixin that can be used to retrieve and provide parsing information for a year component of a date.


The strftime() format to use when parsing the year. By default, this is '%Y'.


Optional The value for the year (as a string). By default, set to None, which means the year will be determined using other means.


Returns the strftime() format to use when parsing the year. Returns YearMixin.year_format by default.


Returns the year for which this view will display data. Tries the following sources, in order:

  • The value of the YearMixin.year attribute.
  • The value of the year argument captured in the URL pattern
  • The value of the year GET query argument.

Raises a 404 if no valid year specification can be found.


class MonthMixin

A mixin that can be used to retrieve and provide parsing information for a month component of a date.


The strftime() format to use when parsing the month. By default, this is '%b'.


Optional The value for the month (as a string). By default, set to None, which means the month will be determined using other means.


Returns the strftime() format to use when parsing the month. Returns MonthMixin.month_format by default.


Returns the month for which this view will display data. Tries the following sources, in order:

  • The value of the MonthMixin.month attribute.
  • The value of the month argument captured in the URL pattern
  • The value of the month GET query argument.

Raises a 404 if no valid month specification can be found.


Returns a date object containing the first day of the month after the date provided. Returns None if mixed with a view that sets allow_future = False, and the next month is in the future. If allow_empty = False, returns the next month that contains data.


Returns a date object containing the first day of the month before the date provided. If allow_empty = False, returns the previous month that contained data.


class DayMixin

A mixin that can be used to retrieve and provide parsing information for a day component of a date.


The strftime() format to use when parsing the day. By default, this is '%d'.


Optional The value for the day (as a string). By default, set to None, which means the day will be determined using other means.


Returns the strftime() format to use when parsing the day. Returns DayMixin.day_format by default.


Returns the day for which this view will display data. Tries the following sources, in order:

  • The value of the attribute.
  • The value of the day argument captured in the URL pattern
  • The value of the day GET query argument.

Raises a 404 if no valid day specification can be found.


Returns a date object containing the next day after the date provided. Returns None if mixed with a view that sets allow_future = False, and the next day is in the future. If allow_empty = False, returns the next day that contains data.


Returns a date object containing the previous day. If allow_empty = False, returns the previous day that contained data.


class WeekMixin

A mixin that can be used to retrieve and provide parsing information for a week component of a date.


The strftime() format to use when parsing the week. By default, this is '%U'.


Optional The value for the week (as a string). By default, set to None, which means the week will be determined using other means.


Returns the strftime() format to use when parsing the week. Returns WeekMixin.week_format by default.


Returns the week for which this view will display data. Tries the following sources, in order:

  • The value of the WeekMixin.week attribute.
  • The value of the week argument captured in the URL pattern
  • The value of the week GET query argument.

Raises a 404 if no valid week specification can be found.


class DateMixin

A mixin class providing common behavior for all date-based views.


The name of the DateField or DateTimeField in the QuerySet‘s model that the date-based archive should use to determine the objects on the page.


A boolean specifying whether to include “future” objects on this page, where “future” means objects in which the field specified in date_field is greater than the current date/time. By default, this is False.


Returns the name of the field that contains the date data that this view will operate on. Returns DateMixin.date_field by default.


Determine whether to include “future” objects on this page, where “future” means objects in which the field specified in date_field is greater than the current date/time. Returns DateMixin.allow_future by default.


class BaseDateListView

A base class that provides common behavior for all date-based views. There won’t normally be a reason to instantiate BaseDateListView; instantiate one of the subclasses instead.

While this view (and it’s subclasses) are executing, self.object_list will contain the list of objects that the view is operating upon, and self.date_list will contain the list of dates for which data is available.



A boolean specifying whether to display the page if no objects are available. If this is True and no objects are available, the view will display an empty page instead of raising a 404. By default, this is False.


Returns a 3-tuple containing (date_list, object_list, extra_context).

date_list is the list of dates for which data is available. object_list is the list of objects. extra_context is a dictionary of context data that will be added to any context data provided by the MultipleObjectMixin.


Returns a queryset, filtered using the query arguments defined by lookup. Enforces any restrictions on the queryset, such as allow_empty and allow_future.

get_date_list(queryset, date_type)

Returns the list of dates of type date_type for which queryset contains entries. For example, get_date_list(qs, 'year') will return the list of years for which qs has entries. See dates() for the ways that the date_type argument can be used.

Generic views

Simple generic views


class View

The master class-based base view. All other generic class-based views inherit from this base class.

Each request served by a View has an independent state; therefore, it is safe to store state variables on the instance (i.e., = 3 is a thread-safe operation).

A class-based view is deployed into a URL pattern using the as_view() classmethod:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
        (r'^view/$', MyView.as_view(size=42)),

Any argument passed into as_view() will be assigned onto the instance that is used to service a request. Using the previous example, this means that every request on MyView is able to interrogate self.size.

Thread safety with view arguments

Arguments passed to a view are shared between every instance of a view. This means that you shoudn’t use a list, dictionary, or any other variable object as an argument to a view. If you did, the actions of one user visiting your view could have an effect on subsequent users visiting the same view.

dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)

The view part of the view – the method that accepts a request argument plus arguments, and returns a HTTP response.

The default implementation will inspect the HTTP method and attempt to delegate to a method that matches the HTTP method; a GET will be delegated to get(), a POST to post(), and so on.

The default implementation also sets request, args and kwargs as instance variables, so any method on the view can know the full details of the request that was made to invoke the view.

http_method_not_allowed(request, *args, **kwargs)

If the view was called with HTTP method it doesn’t support, this method is called instead.

The default implementation returns HttpResponseNotAllowed with list of allowed methods in plain text.


class TemplateView

Renders a given template, passing it a {{ params }} template variable, which is a dictionary of the parameters captured in the URL.



The full name of a template to use.


Return a context data dictionary consisting of the contents of kwargs stored in the context variable params.


  • params: The dictionary of keyword arguments captured from the URL pattern that served the view.


class RedirectView

Redirects to a given URL.

The given URL may contain dictionary-style string formatting, which will be interpolated against the parameters captured in the URL. Because keyword interpolation is always done (even if no arguments are passed in), any "%" characters in the URL must be written as "%%" so that Python will convert them to a single percent sign on output.

If the given URL is None, Django will return an HttpResponseGone (410).


The URL to redirect to, as a string. Or None to raise a 410 (Gone) HTTP error.


Whether the redirect should be permanent. The only difference here is the HTTP status code returned. If True, then the redirect will use status code 301. If False, then the redirect will use status code 302. By default, permanent is True.


Whether to pass along the GET query string to the new location. If True, then the query string is appended to the URL. If False, then the query string is discarded. By default, query_string is False.


Constructs the target URL for redirection.

The default implementation uses url as a starting string, performs expansion of % parameters in that string, as well as the appending of query string if requested by query_string. Subclasses may implement any behavior they wish, as long as the method returns a redirect-ready URL string.

Detail views


class BaseDetailView
class DetailView

A page representing an individual object.

While this view is executing, self.object will contain the object that the view is operating upon.

BaseDetailView implements the same behavior as DetailView, but doesn’t include the SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin.


List views


class BaseListView
class ListView

A page representing a list of objects.

While this view is executing, self.object_list will contain the list of objects (usually, but not necessarily a queryset) that the view is operating upon.

BaseListView implements the same behavior as ListView, but doesn’t include the MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin.


Editing views


class BaseFormView
class FormView

A view that displays a form. On error, redisplays the form with validation errors; on success, redirects to a new URL.

BaseFormView implements the same behavior as FormView, but doesn’t include the TemplateResponseMixin.



class BaseCreateView
class CreateView

A view that displays a form for creating an object, redisplaying the form with validation errors (if there are any) and saving the object.

BaseCreateView implements the same behavior as CreateView, but doesn’t include the TemplateResponseMixin.



class BaseUpdateView
class UpdateView

A view that displays a form for editing an existing object, redisplaying the form with validation errors (if there are any) and saving changes to the object. This uses a form automatically generated from the object’s model class (unless a form class is manually specified).

BaseUpdateView implements the same behavior as UpdateView, but doesn’t include the TemplateResponseMixin.



class BaseDeleteView
class DeleteView

A view that displays a confirmation page and deletes an existing object. The given object will only be deleted if the request method is POST. If this view is fetched via GET, it will display a confirmation page that should contain a form that POSTs to the same URL.

BaseDeleteView implements the same behavior as DeleteView, but doesn’t include the TemplateResponseMixin.



  • The delete confirmation page displayed to a GET request uses a template_name_suffix of '_confirm_delete'.

Date-based views

Date-based generic views (in the module django.views.generic.dates) are views for displaying drilldown pages for date-based data.


class BaseArchiveIndexView
class ArchiveIndexView

A top-level index page showing the “latest” objects, by date. Objects with a date in the future are not included unless you set allow_future to True.

BaseArchiveIndexView implements the same behavior as ArchiveIndexView, but doesn’t include the MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin.



  • Uses a default context_object_name of latest.
  • Uses a default template_name_suffix of _archive.


class BaseYearArchiveView
class YearArchiveView

A yearly archive page showing all available months in a given year. Objects with a date in the future are not displayed unless you set allow_future to True.

BaseYearArchiveView implements the same behavior as YearArchiveView, but doesn’t include the MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin.



A boolean specifying whether to retrieve the full list of objects for this year and pass those to the template. If True, the list of objects will be made available to the context. By default, this is False.


Determine if an object list will be returned as part of the context. If False, the None queryset will be used as the object list.


In addition to the context provided by django.views.generic.list.MultipleObjectMixin (via django.views.generic.dates.BaseDateListView), the template’s context will be:

  • date_list: A DateQuerySet object containing all months that have objects available according to queryset, represented as datetime.datetime objects, in ascending order.
  • year: The given year, as a four-character string.


  • Uses a default template_name_suffix of _archive_year.


class BaseMonthArchiveView
class MonthArchiveView

A monthly archive page showing all objects in a given month. Objects with a date in the future are not displayed unless you set allow_future to True.

BaseMonthArchiveView implements the same behavior as MonthArchiveView, but doesn’t include the MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin.



In addition to the context provided by MultipleObjectMixin (via BaseDateListView), the template’s context will be:

  • date_list: A DateQuerySet object containing all days that have objects available in the given month, according to queryset, represented as datetime.datetime objects, in ascending order.
  • month: A object representing the given month.
  • next_month: A object representing the first day of the next month. If the next month is in the future, this will be None.
  • previous_month: A object representing the first day of the previous month. Unlike next_month, this will never be None.


  • Uses a default template_name_suffix of _archive_month.


class BaseWeekArchiveView
class WeekArchiveView

A weekly archive page showing all objects in a given week. Objects with a date in the future are not displayed unless you set allow_future to True.

BaseWeekArchiveView implements the same behavior as WeekArchiveView, but doesn’t include the MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin.



In addition to the context provided by MultipleObjectMixin (via BaseDateListView), the template’s context will be:

  • week: A object representing the first day of the given week.


  • Uses a default template_name_suffix of _archive_week.


class BaseDayArchiveView
class DayArchiveView

A day archive page showing all objects in a given day. Days in the future throw a 404 error, regardless of whether any objects exist for future days, unless you set allow_future to True.

BaseDayArchiveView implements the same behavior as DayArchiveView, but doesn’t include the MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin.



In addition to the context provided by MultipleObjectMixin (via BaseDateListView), the template’s context will be:

  • day: A object representing the given day.
  • next_day: A object representing the next day. If the next day is in the future, this will be None.
  • previous_day: A object representing the previous day. Unlike next_day, this will never be None.
  • next_month: A object representing the first day of the next month. If the next month is in the future, this will be None.
  • previous_month: A object representing the first day of the previous month. Unlike next_month, this will never be None.


  • Uses a default template_name_suffix of _archive_day.


class BaseTodayArchiveView
class TodayArchiveView

A day archive page showing all objects for today. This is exactly the same as django.views.generic.dates.DayArchiveView, except today’s date is used instead of the year/month/day arguments.

BaseTodayArchiveView implements the same behavior as TodayArchiveView, but doesn’t include the MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin.



class BaseDateDetailView
class DateDetailView

A page representing an individual object. If the object has a date value in the future, the view will throw a 404 error by default, unless you set allow_future to True.

BaseDateDetailView implements the same behavior as DateDetailView, but doesn’t include the SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin.
